Welcome to Children's Success Academy; Tucson, AZ | Phone: 520-799-8403 (Se Habla Espanol)



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Children's Success Academy Art Program

Children's Success Academy provides an outstanding Art Program, directed by Ms. Yun G. Park, an internationally known artist.  Examples of student art work from our recent Winter Art Show (Dec. 8 - Dec. 17) are shown below.  The Opening, on Dec. 8, was also a fundraiser to support our Art Program.  Some of the parents, grandparents, and friends who were unable to attend the Opening in person participated in the Auction through telephone bids.

The following artwork has been created by Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade students.  All art projects were initially researched - involving library work - and were integrated into the regular class curriculum. 

Children are encouraged to create arts using recycled materials. For example, the first item is a basket researched by Forth Grade students after learning about various cultures and the way each created baskets and made this unique basket using paper strips from grocery bags, yarn and various other objects such as: sticks, safety pins, beads, and buttons, to mention a few.

 4th Grade students unique basket is made from grocery bags paper strips, yarn and various other objects (sticks, safety pins, beads, buttons, etc).

A 3rd grade student created the mask below.

Dots Heart Quilt Square

Irrigation Mask

Golden Heart Monoprint Flower Monoprint
CSA students Commemorated 9/11 tragedy Monoprint
Family Portrait Rainstick Dancing Symbols Rainstick
Some of the Activities at Children's Success Academy
Virtues of Justice - Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Virtues of Commitment - Monday Morning Assembly
Monday Morning Assembly A Children & Parents Fun Event
Link to the Enrollment Form, to download, fill out, and mail to:

P.O. Box 11368, Tucson, AZ 85734

Welcome to CSA | Dr. Aiken | Dr. Aiken's Publications | CSA Programs | 2009-2010 Calendar | Nurtured Body (CSA Nutrition Program) | Nurtured Heart | Nurtured Mind (IEI) | Virtues Project | Why Choose CSA | Printable_Enrollment_Form | Why Donate to CSA | Printable Arizona Tax Form-(MS Word) | Meet The Staff  | Art Gallery |

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