Welcome to Children's Success Academy; Tucson, AZ | Phone: 520-799-8403 (Se Habla Espanol)



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Why Donate to Children's Success Academy?

Children's Success Academy serves primarily low-income and at-risk students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade, in southern Tucson, Arizona.  Your generous donations assist us in our mission to provide excellent education and a positive environment for healthy development of all students, especially those at-risk.


By donating you help us in developing morally-strong, dependable, trustworthy, loyal, responsible, and reliable students who are our future.  Such outstanding students are critical in developing our community, our nation and our world.


Children's Success Academy serves as a model for successful education of at-risk and challenging students.  Your donations assist us in developing materials to disseminate our highly successful program to other schools.


Donations are required to support our outstanding extracurricular programs, such as our Art Program, taught by a professional artist; the Tucson Symphony Orchestra program for students; the Folklorico Club; and other after school programs.

Every dollar we receive is utilized to ensure the success of our students!

If you are a resident of Arizona, and wish to make an individual Arizona Extracurricular Tax Credit Donation, please click the Arizona Tax Credit Form page, fill it out, and return the form with your donation (check or money order only) to our mailing address below.  We will send you a receipt and the documentation you need to deduct this donation directly from your Arizona State Tax.

Any further donation is tax-deductible, as Children's Success Academy is an Arizona non-profit organization. 

Please send any donations to the mailing address below:


Children's Success Academy

P.O. Box 11368

Tucson, AZ 85734


Thank you for your support!  We are always happy to show visitors our programs in action, so please call us.  The school office is open between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.  Classes are in session between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, except "in service" days (please check the calendar first).

Children's Success Academy, Inc., dba Children's Success Academy, is an Arizona non-profit corporation established for educational purposes only.

(See AZ Tax Form below)


AZ Donation Tax Form (MS Word)

Arizona Extracurricular Activities Tax Credit 

Donation Form


YES!  I would like to donate to Children's Success Academy, a public charter school*, and receive an Arizona State Tax Credit of up to $200 (single) or $400 (married filing jointly) per household.  

 *A charter school is defined in ARS § 15-101 as a public school.  Therefore, a charter school is eligible for the tax credit for payment of fees to support extracurricular activities. 


Last Name            (print the information above the line)                                  First Name                     Middle Initial


Street Address:     (print the information above the line)







(print the information above the line)

Phone:  (             )

     Area code

Donation amount: $                                           

  Date of donation:        /        / 20

Print date (day/mo/year) above

I would like my donation to be:    (choose either A or B below)


 A) A donation to benefit all children at Children's Success Academy.



 B) Please direct my donation to cover the cost of a specific child’s participation in an activity.  If you choose this option, please provide the name of the child:




  Last name,                               First name                            Middle Initial

(Print on the line above)


**Make your check or money order payable to:          Children's Success Academy

**Mail this form and your check or money order to:  

Children's Success Academy

P.O. Box 11368

Tucson, AZ 85734-1368

 **We cannot accept cash for the Arizona Extracurricular Activities Tax Credit (ARS § 43-1089.01)

Details about Arizona School Tax Credits are available at http://www.revenue.state.az.us/, or you may request a copy of the brochure from Children's Success Academy Administrative office by calling us at: 520-799-8403.

 Thank you for your support!


You can also right click this link: Printable AZ Donation Tax Form  then choose "Open in New Window" to be able to print out a copy with MS Word. You may need to use Internet Explorer (as your browser) and need MS Word software to be able to print a copy of the form.


Link to the Enrollment Form, to download, fill out, and mail to: P.O. Box 11368, Tucson, AZ 85734


We welcome your comments at: childrenssuccess@qwestoffice.net




Welcome to CSA | Dr. Aiken | Dr. Aiken's Publications | CSA Programs | 2009-2010 Calendar | Nurtured Body (CSA Nutrition Program) | Nurtured Heart | Nurtured Mind (IEI) | Virtues Project | Why Choose CSA | Printable_Enrollment_Form | Why Donate to CSA | Printable Arizona Tax Form-(MS Word) | Meet The Staff  | Art Gallery |

Please report any problems with this site to the web master:  fpenner.swc@gmail.com  or Instant Message at Skype (www.skype.com): felicitypenner