Welcome to CSA| Dr. Aiken | Dr. Aiken's Publications | CSA Programs | 2008-9 Calendar | Nurtured Body (CSA Nutrition Program) | Nurtured Heart | Nurtured Mind (IEI) | Virtues Project |Why Choose CSA| Enrollment Form| Why Donate to CSA| Printable Arizona Tax Form-(MS Word)| Arizona Donation Tax Form| Meet The Staff |Art Gallery

Welcome to Children's Success Academy; Tucson, AZ | Phone: 520-799-8403 (Se Habla Espanol)






    A Mission Statement:

Children's Success Academy is a public charter school, dedicated to teaching the Arizona State Standards through a values-based, service-oriented and globally-focused curriculum, the Nurtured Mind (International Educational Initiatives©) , within the supportive environment provided by the Virtues Project, the Nurtured Heart Approach© and the Nurtured Body Program©.  Our unique program is designed to assist all students, especially challenging children, to develop problem-solving and consultative skills in order to serve our community.

We invite you to come and visit us and send us your questions and comments.

Dr. Nanci R. Aiken, Executive Director: nanciraiken@qwestoffice.net

See Why Choose CSA?                                                                                                                        Meet CSA Staff

See Why Donate to CSA?                                                                                                                    See CSA Exceptional Program

Street Address (except UPS or FedEx): 925 E. Bilby Rd, Tucson, AZ 85706


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 11368

Tucson, AZ 85734


 Tel: 520-799-8403

Fax: 520-799-8427

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Annual Financial Report may be viewed at: http://www.ade.az.gov/SchoolFinance/Forms/LEAQuery/SubmittedFiles.aspx

All children are welcome at Children’s Success Academy, including children with challenging behaviors. We find that our program is a positive support for every child and a way for those with behavior challenges to turn negative behavior into positive actions.

Visitors are welcome at our school and in our classrooms at any time. Please call the school office for an appointment, or just drop by during school hours.

The main office is open between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Monday – Friday during the school year.

Summer office hours: 9:00 am

 to 1:00 pm.


The International Educational Initiative and the Arizona State Standards are the foundation of our curriculum. The International Educational Initiative stresses the development of consultation skills and service to the greater community.

Children’s Success Academy knows that healthy eating, healthy problem solving skills and a healthy sense of self-worth create a strong foundation for academic success.

All students are appreciated and assisted to develop their individual strengths and gifts, especially students with challenging behavior, such as ADD/ADHD. All staff members work together in a cooperative environment to support student development. As a result, Children’s Success Academy is known in Tucson for its outstanding, peaceful learning environment, and for its success in turning around student behavior.


Children’s Success Academy is a free, public charter school located in the southern part of Tucson. CSA is a small, neighborhood school for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Students thrive in classrooms with no more than 20 students, with a teacher and an assistant in each classroom

The mission of Children’s Success Academy is to provide a peaceful positive learning environment for all students, where they learn problem solving, consultative skills and critical thinking as an integral part of the curriculum. Students also learn to use the “language of virtues” and to appreciate and use virtues in all their activities.

The foundation for our program to support this environment consists of the Virtues ProjectTM, the Nurtured Heart Approach© and the Nurtured Body Program©.


925 E. Bilby Rd, Tucson, AZ 85706


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 11368

Tucson, AZ 85734


 Tel: 520-799-8403

Fax: 520-799-8427

Email: childrenssuccess@qwestoffice.net

Web site: www.childrenssuccess.org

Children’s Success Academy, Inc. is an Arizona non-profit organization with 501(c) (3) status

Parent comments


“At 6:00 am my son starts asking if it is time to go to school yet! He used to hate school, but now loves it. He hasn’t missed a day of school this year. And he is learning so much!”

“My son was kicked out of three schools before we found CSA. You are the first school to make a difference, to see his potential and to quit sending him home – making him stay and become accountable for his behavior. The difference you have made to our lives is overwhelming.”

“My son was told that he could not stay in school unless he was medicated with Ritalin. I am so happy that your school was available for him – he is doing so well, academically and socially. We see great positive changes in his behavior at home, as well. Thank you!!! Keep up the good work!"

The strengths of the students at Children’s Success Academy (CSA):


Caring Cleanliness Commitment Compassion Confidence Consideration Cooperation Courage Courtesy Creativity Detachment Determination Diligence Enthusiasm Excellence Flexibility Forgiveness Friendliness Generosity Gentleness Helpfulness Honesty Honor Humility Idealism Integrity Joyfulness Justice Kindness Love Loyalty Moderation Modesty Orderliness Patience Peacefulness Purposefulness Reliability Respect Responsibility Self-Discipline Service Tact Thankfulness Tolerance Trust Trustworthiness Truthfulness Understanding Unity

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CSA Home | Dr. Aiken | Dr. Aiken's Publications | CSA Programs | 2008-9 Calendar | Nurtured Body (CSA Nutrition Program) | Nurtured Heart | Nurtured Mind (IEI) | Virtues Project |Why Choose CSA| Enrollment Form| Why Donate to CSA| Printable Arizona Tax Form-(MS Word)| Arizona Donation Tax Form| Meet The Staff | Art Gallery

This site was last updated 10/30/08